
Stuck is a puzzle game where you must switch between the overworld and the "other" world to complete puzzles in order to progress and lift your curse.

This game is centered around one mechanic, that mechanic being the ability to switch between two alternate worlds (inspired by the Netflix show "Stranger Things").

Stuck VR

My friends recently got me a VR headset and I am using it to create stuck in VR. I think that the switching between worlds mechanic is perfect for VR.

New Environment

Using the new high definition render pipeline in unity I created a new overworld.

Level Design

I have started level designs in Unity to try and get a good contrast between the "Over" and "Other" worlds. (the level design in the gif below is modelled off Sirius Cove in Sydney)

Recent Projects

Turkey Bot

A discord bot that starts game servers via commands. This stops my friends calling me when I'm at work to start a damn minecraft server.

Interstellar Exploration

A low poly first person, space exploration, survival game. Explore an entire galaxy (well 2 planets at the moment but I'm getting there).